How to apply for Smart and Skilled funding
Please note anyone studying a nationally-recognised vocational training in Australia needs a USI. USI will assist you to access your training records and results. Therefore, if you choose to enrol in a Smart and Skilled course, you will need a USI. If you don’t have one, simply go to the Australian Government’s USI website and create your own USI.
You will also need to provide us with proof of identity/residency documents. These can include your passport, citizenship certificate, drivers licence and Medicare card. You will also be required to complete and sign a “Consent to the use and disclosure of personal information” form.
More information about Smart and Skilled funding, please email our marketing team or call +61 2 90486900
- Smart and Skilled Student Information
- Smart and Skilled Enrolment form
- Smart and Skilled Fees and Refund Policy
- Smart and Skilled Consumer Protection Policy
- Statement of Expectation
Unique Student Identifier
All students enrolling in Smart and Skilled course will be required to supply a Unique Student Identifier and will be requested to do so on their enrolment form. Please visit the website to obtain their USI.
Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer
RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning)
Where an eligible student is granted RPL for one or more units of competency, the qualification price will be adjusted and a new student fee determined. The qualification price is based on both fixed and variable costs. The fixed cost of the qualification is reduced by 50 per cent of the proportion of units of competency granted RPL. The variable cost will be reduced by 50 per cent of the total cost of the units of competency granted RPL.
Once the adjusted qualification price is calculated the new student fee will be determined at the same percentage of the price as the original student fee for that course (i.e. Adjusted Price x fee percentage).
Where RPL for a unit (or units) of competency is assessed and only partially granted and some training delivery is still required, there is no reduction in the student fee.
CT (Credit Transfer)
Where an eligible student is granted a CT for one or more units of competency, the qualification price will be adjusted and a new student fee determined. The fixed cost will be reduced by the proportion of units of competency given credit transfer. The variable cost will be reduced by the total cost of each unit of competency granted credit transfer. Once the adjusted qualification price is calculated the new student fee will be determined at the same percentage of the price as the original student fee for that course (i.e. Adjusted Price x fee percentage).
Calculation adjusting fees or RPL and CT
Where RPL and/or CT are granted at enrolment, SBTA will need to use the Smart and Skilled Provider Calculator to determine the applicable student fee.
Where RPL and/or CT is granted after enrolment, or after a student commences a qualification, SBTA will report the outcome for the relevant unit(s) of competency in their next Smart and Skilled training activity data file submitted to the Department. The Department will make adjustments to the subsidy payment and advise the Provider of the new student fee. The Provider must take all necessary steps to advise affected students of adjusted fee and to adjust the fee levied, including adjustments to subsequent fee payment schedules.
SBTA will sight appropriate evidence, such as a testamur or a Unique Student Identifier (USI) transcript to grant CT.